Finding "Meraki"

In the realm of success, the Greeks have gifted us a beautiful term - "Meraki" (may-rah-kee). It encapsulates the essence of infusing soul, creativity, and love into one's work, leaving an indelible mark. Meraki is that elusive quality, a secret ingredient that propels individuals to hyper-success in our fiercely competitive marketplace. Identifying Meraki is akin to finding a rare seed, and in my quest, I've curated a comprehensive list of thought-provoking questions. These questions serve as a compass, guiding me to discern the presence of Meraki in every professional I bring into our membership and retention team. This meticulous approach significantly enhances the likelihood of long-term success for all involved. Meraki is not a skill that can be taught or a facade that can be faked. It is a flowering that takes place through authenticity, wisdom, and the passage of time. It's the commitment to imbue every task with a piece of oneself, a dedication that goes...